About Utrecht Beurskwartier
Utrecht Beurskwartier will become an icon for sustainable and healthy urbanization. With the transformation of the West-side of Utrecht city center, the Municipality of Utrecht together with Jaarbeurs and other partners will be taking a big step forward. Less and slower traffic, climate and energy neutral construction, efficient water management and greening will soon provide for a pleasant place to stay and ample opportunities for new forms of working, living, shopping and nightlife.

The new center will interconnect all previous (sub) developments in the larger Utrecht Central Station area. Utrecht Beurskwartier and the historical city centre together will form one integrated centre. More information about this future perspective is available in the “Toekomstvisie Utrecht Centrum: a Healthy Urban Boost” (in Dutch). Or take a look at the artist impressions and drawings.
The transformation of Utrecht Central Station area is a close cooperation between the Municipality of Utrecht, Klépierre, NS, ProRail and Jaarbeurs.
Smart Sustainable District
The area has been selected as an icon for sustainable transformation by the European Climate-KIC programme Smart Sustainable Districts. Research institutes from the Netherlands, Germany and the United Kingdom, led by the Utrecht Sustainability Institute, will specify the sustainable redevelopment ambitions of the Municipality of Utrecht and Jaarbeurs in Utrecht The New Centre and will provide decisive input for the decision making on the redevelopment plans in 2015-2016.
Read more about:
– The current situation in Utrecht
– Sustainability ambitions for the transformation of Utrecht Beurskwartier
– Priorities within the SSD programme
– Project partners