
Smart Sustainable Districts Webinar Series available online
Four Smart Sustainable Districts webinars are now available online. The webinars discuss several methods, problems and solutions involved with the sustainable transformation of European cities. > Watch the webinars.
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Climate Innovation Experience
The Climate Innovation Experience will take place in Utrecht on November 23. The need for visionary climate leaders is urgent. Realizing climate and economic impact starts with bright innovative minds who have the guts to get out of their comfort zone. During the Climate Innovation Experience you will be inspired by…
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Webinar on ‘attractive resilient districts’
The Smart Sustainable Districts network has successfully developed and implemented a systems approach to attractive sustainable, resilient and cost-efficient urban development. This approach will be discussed in a webinar on ‘attractive resilient districts’ on September 18.
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Three new districts in SSD programme
Three new districts have joined the SSD programme: Alfama (Lisbon), La Pinada (Valencia) and Valletta. The new districts will be part of a community of cities working together to deliver world-leading sustainable city districts. Read Climate-KIC‘s press release:
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First Smart Sustainable Districts Webinar
On May 23rd the first of a series of four Smart Sustainable Districts (SSD) Webinars took place. The SSD network is a consortium of city districts working together to accellerate the expertise and best practices needed to transition to zero-carbon living. The program brings together smart and sustainable innovations in the 9 pilot districts. In the webinar, Mandana…
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Utrecht Mayor and Aldermen present City’s area vision to the public
On April 18th, the Mayor and Aldermen of Utrecht officially presented the City’s area vision and Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for the New Centre / Jaarbeurskwartier to the public. Both documents are out for discussion until this summer, when the City Council will decide on formal approval. The City’s area vision and EIA include main…
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Dutch and Belgian Queen visit Smart Sustainable District Utrecht
Queen Maxima of the Netherlands and Queen Mathilde of Belgium visited the city of Utrecht on Wednesday November 30th as part of the state visit of the King and Queen of Belgium to the Netherlands. They arrived by train for a tour of the new Central Station, followed by a presentation in City Hall on…
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Video: Sustainable opportunities and choices for the new centre of Utrecht
On September 24th the Municipality of Utrecht organized a citizen engagement event about the transformation of Utrecht The New Centre. About 300 citizens and other stakeholders participated in the city dialogue, brought forward their ideas and became acquainted with the plans for the new centre of Utrecht. The SSD team was asked to facilitate the…
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Upcoming events fall 2016
SSD Utrecht will participate in the following events in fall 2016: September 24th, City lab ‘on tour’ in Utrecht The New Centre The Municipality of Utrecht organizes a citizen engagement event about the transformation of the New Centre. The SSD team is strongly involved in the thematic dialogue on sustainable opportunities and choices for the district. In…
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The Utrecht interaction table – result of the SSD-project
With the help of the Utrecht interaction table, we can design the future city together. Using the power of gaming, storytelling and human interaction it enables city planners to connect with citizens, working together in the process of sustainable urban transformation. The Utrecht interaction table is developed to boost citizen engagement in the sustainable transformation…
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