Smart Sustainable Districts – Utrecht Beurskwartier


Webinar over ‘attractive resilient districts’

Op maandag 18 september 2017 van 14.00 tot 15.30 uur vindt het volgende Smart Smart Sustainable Districts (SSD) webinar plaats. Het onderwerp is ‘attractive resilient districts’, waarbij gezocht wordt naar een passende combinatie van urbane functies en natuurlijke oplossingen in de stedelijke ruimte.  

SSD staat voor een duurzame (her)ontwikkeling van stedelijke gebieden in Europa. In het netwerk zijn momenteel twaalf districten actief, waaronder Utrecht – het Nieuwe Centrum. Binnen de districten werken verschillende partijen samen aan duurzame en innovatieve gebiedstransformatie.


Meer informatie (Engels):

Integrated urban adaptation increasingly seeks the connection between urban functions and nature. Districts and researchers in the Smart Sustainable Districts network have successfully developed and implemented a systems approach to attractive sustainable, resilient and cost-efficient urban development. This approach will be discussed in a webinar on attractive resilient districts on September 18.

Climate change, ongoing urbanization and the demand for urban renewal impose great challenges on cities. How do we make our cities attractive, safe and pleasant, sustainable and resilient? Is the sewer system set to heavy rain showers or should water floods be expected? How do you cope with increased droughts, water shortages, irrigation demands and pollution levels? And what can be done to counteract the effect of higher temperatures, especially in summertime?

Integrated urban adaptation increasingly seeks the connection between urban functions and nature. These so-called ecosystem services have already resulted in planning and implementation of nature-based, ‘blue-green’ solutions. Urban water and green are used in a multi-functional way. Physical resilience is paired with ecological, social and landscape quality. Their implementation and maintenance however requires new arrangements and capacities.

Districts and researchers in the C-KIC Smart Sustainable Districts network have successfully developed and implemented a systems approach to attractive sustainable, resilient and cost-efficient urban development. This approach enables districts to:

o  exploit the multi functional potential of nature-based solutions
o  with economic and societal benefits for multiple stakeholders
o  combine blue-green solutions with urban components to achieve synergy benefits
o  support the joint co-creation process

ssd webinar

o  Moderator: Tim Taylor, Climate-KIC
o  Introduction video: Attractive resilient cities
o  Attractive resilient cities approach, presentation by Deltares and Imperial College London
o  Experiences in Utrecht, presentation by Jeanet Hekhuis, Municipality of Utrecht


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